Awakened from a dream in 2013, I quickly wrote down a vivid paragraph and left it for a few hours. Looking at it later, I thought it was interesting, but that was it. It kept drawing me back and I began crafting a story to go along with this one paragraph. I would write a little something, leave it for months, even years, and return to it again and again. Over the years, I had written several short stories, novellas, and poems. Some of them I shared with a few friends, but my writing was something I did to be creative and relax. It was something personal. One day in 2021, I decided to use this story I returned to over and over and write a book, just for me.

I am a firm believer in the Universe connecting us with where we place our energy and I was suddenly discovering courses about self publishing. 

If you had told me I’d write a series, I would not have believed you. One book wasn’t enough as the characters still had more to share with me. Now, here we are - I published book one in 2022, and now two books in 2023. The fourth and final book in The Welexia Series is currently being written. This is only the beginning as I’ve outlined where the next book (or series) will take me.

That ‘wake me up’ paragraph ended up in book one, almost verbatim to how it began. I hope you enjoy my books. Please reach out with comments of characters you love, hate, or want more of.

With gratitude, Rhys